Your marketing efforts should be rewarded with enquiries from your dream clients for the services you want to be providing. If that’s not the case, there might be a disconnect between what you mean to be conveying and what your ideal clients are perceiving, meaning you’re missing the mark and missing out on those enquiries.
Which is where I come in…
With your business goals and who you want to be working with and what you want to spend your days doing (work-wise!) in mind, I can advise you on any gaps/disconnects between where you need to be positioned and where you are at the moment.
This could be your brand visuals not aligning with your dream clients, or it might be that these clients can’t see how you can help them. Or it might be something else entirely - we won’t know until we get into the details and start investigating.
What’s included?
Initial Consultation/Questionnaire to understand your business, your clients and your business goals.
An audit of your current brand identity, marketing messages and materials including your website & social media channels.
Follow up Consultation which includes:
Brand Clarity including mood board
Brand Vision including mood board
1 x Muse (ideal client avatar)
Recommendations to achieve alignment between your Muses, your brand and your business goals.
*Cost: £450 which can be redeemed against brand design/website design/brand photography services with me if you’d like us to work together to implement my recommendations.
What happens after the Consultation?
Your audit is likely to result in some actions for you to implement but don’t worry, I won’t leave you floundering with an action plan that you don’t have the time/inclination to do anything with!
We can work together and if you choose to do this, starting immediately, then the cost of your audit will be applied as part-payment to your brand design invoice as we’re already on a roll and fired up to get your brand where it needs to be so that it can start working hard for you.
Or, naturally, you can implement the changes yourself or with another brand expert - the audit results are yours to take away.