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4 ways to maximise your website with branding photography

Your website needs to connect you with your target client - the one who’s looking at your website right now - is it going to show them why they’re in the right place?

As humans we’ve evolved to make super snappy decisions - rumour has it that we choose whether to hang around on a website to click away (the bounce rate) within 90 seconds!!! That’s your dream client deciding whether you’re right for them in less than two seconds - before they’ve ever met you or spoken to you - yikes!

So what can you create an amazing first impression helping help them realise they’re in the right place?  

Naturally, there are many details that go into creating a brilliant website that works hard for you, from design to a fantastic user experience but there’s one thing that a website can’t look good without… stunning imagery.

It’s not just about looking good either, although we all find a “professional” (read: well designed, high quality) website reassuring, the real secret sauce is using custom branded imagery created just for you. After all, stock images can be high quality, but they won’t be designed to convey YOUR messages to YOUR target audience, but Personal Branding Photography from YOUR photoshoot, will. 

The 4 ways Personal Branding Photography can help your website perform to the best of its ability:

  1. Make it personal - show yourself as the face of your brand

  2. Show yourself working with your dream clients

  3. Show yourself working where your dream clients love to hang out/aspire to hang out

  4. Highlight important messages & CTAs with a custom visual

These 4 benefits allow you to create/evoke:


What do the first 3 things all have in common? Connection. They show your dream clients that you’re a human rather than a faceless brand and not only that, you’re a human that works with people just like them. As for the 4th, that helps you guide your viewer through your website, a bit like the digital equivalent of taking their hand to walk them through it. It becomes personal and it’s harder for us as nice humans to dismiss another human than it is to reject a faceless business.

Tribe mindset

We’re naturally programmed to feel comfortable with people “like us”, which is helpful when you’re trying to communicate with the clients you’re perfectly aligned with. This isn’t smoke & mirrors or faking something that’s not real, it’s about making a genuine connection with the clients you ARE perfectly aligned with. Building trust. Breaking down the barriers and getting that enquiry.


“People buy from people” and we often make emotional purchases that we then back up with facts and logic. Ever done that? I’m very aware that I do. If I feel that someone is the right fit for me, even if on paper someone else is just as good a fit and quite possibly, cheaper. I’ll happily justify a larger invoice if I feel that I’ll get a better result, which is gained from working with the “right” person. AKA, the person who’s the best fit for us. 

The point?

Personal Branding Photography helps your dream clients realise they’re in the right place when they land on your website, which means it’s YOU they’re going to be sending their enquiry to, giving you the opportunity to turn that enquiry into a sale! 

If you’d like help attracting your dream clients you can schedule a free 20-minute enquiry call where you can get to know me and whether I’m the right fit for you.

You’re also welcome to sign up for my newsletter to receive more hints and tips on bringing your brand to life online.